OMG! I’m Having a White Chair Day
by Joni Jesme
Watch podcast interview with Joni Jesme on “What’s Next with Diana Pierce”
Joni Jesme’s debut book uncovers the humor behind growing older and the need to embrace the journey into mid-life and beyond with a smile. Stemming from a green trash can lid verbally mistaken as a white chair, Jesme turned that White Chair Day incident into a compilation of 40 fully-illustrated true stories revealing the humorous side of life.
As you grow older, have you found yourself having a “White Chair Day?”
That’s when you walk into a room, forget what you went to get, then sit down and then.. remember why you got up in the first place?
Author Joni Jesme calls that.. your “White Chair Day” journey and has devoted a book to her stories and a collection of her friend’s stories, too..
Joni’s book is available on Amazon and at Twin Cities selected bookstores. And, if you want to add to Joni’s second book, she is looking for your story at
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