Want to know exactly whom we work with to make your books available to retailers worldwide? Below you will find a list print distribution partners helping connect you to readers across the globe.
Global Print Distribution Partners
United States
- Titles are automatically made available to more than tens of thousands of retailers, libraries, schools, internet commerce companies, and other channel partners, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters/Indigo (Canada), and other well-known book retailers and wholesalers across North America via Ingram Book Group.
United Kingdom | Europe
- Adlibris
- Agapea
- Amazon.com
- Aphrohead
- Bertrams
- Blackwell
- Book Depository Ltd
- Books Express
- Coutts Information Services Ltd
- Designarta Books
- Eden Interactive Ltd
- Foyles
- Gardners
- Trust Media Distribution (formerly STL)
- Mallory International
- Paperback Shop Ltd
- Superbookdeals
- The Book Community Ltd
- Waterstones
- Wrap Distribution
Australia & New Zealand
- Rainbow Book Agencies
- The Nile
- James Bennett
- Peter Pal
- University Co-operative Bookshop
Global Online Retail Partners
Unprecedented access to more global markets via one of the world’s largest online distribution networks. E-book distribution from more than 70 online partners serving readers across the globe—that’s digital publishing like a pro.
- 24Symbols
- 7Switch
- Amazon
- Apple
- Baker & Taylor Blio
- Barnes & Noble
- BookShout (Rethink Books)
- Bookmate
- Follett
- Gardners
- Glose
- Hummingbird DM
- Inktera
- Kobo
- PaperC
- Redshelf
- Rockstand (RockASAP)
- Sainsbury
- Txtr
- Wook
- Zola
- A book Company
- All Romance eBooks
- Artech House
- Asia Books
- BOL.com
- Bookshop Krisostomus
- Booktopia
- Campus eBooks
- Cokesbury.com
- Completebook.com
- Covenant
- ebook.de Internet GmbH
- eBookMall
- eBookShop
- FeedBooks
- Five Senses Education Pty ltd
- Global Reward Systems
- Hastings
- Infibeam
- Inkterra
- lwemi.com
- Juke Entertainment GmbH