First Steps Publishing (traditional) | Fireside Press (hybrid)
Are you a Traditional Publisher?
Yes, First Steps Publishing is a small press traditional book publishing company publishing 3-5 titles per year.
However, we also offer a paid self-publishing hybrid division (Fireside Press) for authors wishing more control for their work. Publishes 12-24 titles/year. Starting Cost: $2999
Do I have to pay you money to publish?
You do not pay anything to publish with First Steps Publishing.
Fireside Press, Christopher Matthews Publishing and Soul Fire Press, the Open Submission HYBRID divisions of First Steps Publishing, is a paid self-publishing service starting at $2999.00 (US). An AGENT FREE option, for those wishing to self-publish without our FSP imprint, we offer the same top design services to make your book a success.
What does the fee for Hybrid Publishing include?
PRICING: $2999
Hybrid and Self-Publishing Package includes:
- Proofreading of final manuscript (one-time read through)
- Professionally designed interior layout
- An original, professionally designed book cover
- Purchase and assignment of ISBNs
- Metadata management
- Inclusion in catalogs to libraries and the book trade internationally
- Hardback, paperback, and ebook formatting
- Free copies of the book (5 PBK, 1 HBK)*
- Author book purchase at 40% above print cost* (Example: $5 print cost/book, Author price = $7/book
- We want you to succeed in your writing career, so we keep your purchase price low.
- 50% Royalties for Print and Ebook* (net sales)
- Worldwide sales and distribution to brick-and-mortar bookstores and libraries. Through Ingram Spark / Lightning Source, we are connected to the ordering systems of 40,000 independent and chain bookstores, libraries, and online retailers worldwide, plus every major e-book retailer (including iBookstore, Kobo, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, etc.)
- Promotion through Social Media, our newsletter*
- Media Kit. We work with you to create a base media kit:
- Print/Web headshots (S, M, LG)
- Print/Web cover (full, flat, and 3D)
- Interview Questions / Answers
- Sales sheet handout
- Social Media Banner Ad
- Press Release
*Not included in self-publishing package
What are the criteria for selection of titles?
We base our initial decision on the QUERY LETTER and your writing sample, then decide whether to request the full MS.
- Quality of the writing: We are seeking well-written manuscripts that are engaging, well-structured, and well-edited. We also consider whether the writing style is appropriate for the intended audience, such as thrillers, suspense, cozy, historical, contemporary, etc.
- Marketability of the book: FSP wants to work with authors whose books will be able to sell well in the market. They consider factors such as the book’s genre, the target audience, and the competition in the market.
- Author platform: FSP may consider an author’s platform, which is the author’s visibility and reach in the market. This can include an author’s social media following, their reputation in their field, and their previous publication credits. While not a requirement, FSP strongly recommends some form of online presence.
- Feasibility of the project: FSP needs to consider whether a book project is feasible from a financial standpoint – considering factors such as the length of the book, the potential market for the book, and the production costs.
- Fit with our publishing list: FSP has a specific focus and set of goals for our publishing program, and will consider whether a particular book aligns with those goals.
How do I submit my manuscript?
First, be sure to read the submission guidelines carefully.
We ONLY accept submissions through our online forms:
What is a Query Letter and why is it important?
“The query letter has one purpose, and one purpose only: to seduce the agent or editor into reading or requesting your work” —Jane Friedman
- Jane Friedman: How to Write a Query Letter That Gets Manuscript Requests
- Writer’s Digest: How to Write a Query Letter
- Jerry Jenkins: How to Write a Book Proposal
First Steps Publishing relies heavily on the query letter to make our decision. We receive hundreds of submissions each month, so a good first impression is important. Take your time and write a proper and informative Query Letter.
What if FSP doesn’t accept my manuscript for publication or I have chosen to self-publish my book?
At times, we reject a manuscript for publication with our parent company, First Steps Publishing. This can be due to many reason: quality, wrong genre, or we’ve met our quota for the year. If this happens, we may reach out to you or your agent for publication through our Hybrid division, Fireside Press, the hybrid division of First Steps publishing
We recognize there are talented writers who may not choose the route of traditional publishing, so Fireside Press (Hybrid Divisions), are a good option, offering the same professional services as First Steps Publishing. Please Contact Us for more information.
Can I hire you to self-publish?
Yes. If you are seeking professional services, our in-house team is willing to work with you one-on-one to meet your goals. Please Contact Us for more information.
Who owns the Copyright?
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form—digital, handwritten or printed. FSP will retain copyright to your work once we agree to publish it. If for any reason we should part ways, FSP will revert the copyright back to you. However if you wish to keep the copyright yourself you will need to obtain a copyright for your work from the US Copyright Office. This will not preclude the publication of the work, but publication prior to confirmation of the copyright may make enforcement more difficult.
- Jerry Jenkins: How to Write a Book Proposal
- Jane Friedman: How to write a book proposal
- Jane Friedman: How to Write a Query Letter That Gets Manuscript Requests
- Writer’s Digest: How to Write a Query Letter